How to achieve end to end SAP business assurance? (Webinar | Online)
Key takeaways from Tricentis, Capgemini and Sogeti’s new report
Join this webinar on July 29th for a first look at the key findings, which reveal how SAP business assurance strategies have evolved over the past year to accommodate a new pace of innovation.
How do you manage an unprecedented level of change in your SAP environment? A new report, “SAP Business Assurance Report, State of Worldwide Testing – 2021,” seeks to answer this question with insights from more than 750 survey respondents.
Join this webinar for a first look at the key findings, which reveal how SAP business assurance strategies have evolved over the past year to accommodate a new pace of innovation.
Join us to learn about the strategies that set the most successful organizations apart, how you compare with your peers, and the best practices that can help you achieve SAP business assurance maturity, such as:
– Defining clear ownership and developing technical expertise
– Building a business case and a roadmap for automation
– Leveraging intelligent technologies to focus your approach
– Instilling confidence with effective risk mitigation strategies
– Assessing progress and defining next steps
Landingpage: https://www.sogeti.com/explore/reports/sap-business-assurance-report/
You’ll find the registration link in the blue box.
Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2021 14:00 – 15:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Sogeti Deutschland GmbH
Balcke-Dürr-Allee 7
40882 Ratingen
Telefon: +49 (2102) 101-4000
Telefax: +49 (2102) 101-4100
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