Management Verifications of ESI/AMIF/ISF/BMVI and Next Generation EU (Seminar | Online)
The purpose of management verifications is to observe the legality and regularity of expenditures in compliance with EU legislation. They play a crucial role in the financial management and control system of EU funds in the current programming period and will continue to be crucial in the period 2021 – 2027. To ensure an appropriate balance between the effective and efficient implementation of the Funds and the related administrative costs and burdens, the frequency, scope and coverage of management verifications should be based on a risk assessment that takes into account factors such as the number, type, size and content of operations implemented, the beneficiaries as well as the level of the risk identified by previous management verifications and audits. Management verifications should be proportionate to the risks resulting from that risk assessment and audits should be proportionate to the level of risk to the budget of the Union.
Our experts from the Managing Authority, Intermediate Body and Audit Authority will help you gain comprehensive knowledge on the main differences between current practice and the new regulatory framework by replying to the main questions covered by 5W+1H principle: Who? What? Why? When? Where? How? Join us to find out more on this whole universe of crucial steps taken by the MCS.
Starting from € 1.490,- (excl. VAT)
Eventdatum: 28.09.22 – 30.09.22
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Güntzelstr. 63
10717 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 814506-0
Telefax: +49 (30) 814506-22
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