Tag: 10. August 2022

Chemikalienrecht außerhalb der EU (Seminar | Online)

Das Hybrid Seminar Chemikalienrecht außerhalb der EU beleuchtet in diesem Jahr die Chemikalienregulierungen in ausgewählten Industrie-und Handelsländern, wie der Schweiz, Israel, Indien, China und Neuseeland und zeigt auf, welche Meldungs- und Registrierungspflichten es hier zu berücksichtigen gilt. Namhafte Experte der Branche geben Ihnen exklusive Einblicke in die aktuelle Rechtsprechung und diskutieren mit Ihnen zum Chemikalienrecht außerhalb der EU. Lassen Sie sich …

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Game “The World of Wonders” (Seminar | Maastricht)

Jo Kremers will show you the newest innovative techniques, provide you with useful tools for successfully combating fraud and corruption and help you analyse real-life cases. The motto of this EU-Awarded Anti-Fraud and Corruption Game Number 3 is: “Life is like a rollercoaster, the same is our fight against fraud and corruption”. Fighting fraud and corruption can …

EStALI Autumn Conference (Konferenz | Brüssel)

Join the leading pan-European platform for State aid professionals and benefit from unique opportunities to discuss the latest developments! This year again, participants from all over Europe will gather for the event divivded into a one-day intensive workshop and a two-day conference. Workshop | Day 1 The intensive workshop on the first day takes place …

Defence Procurement: New European Challenges (Seminar | Online)

The rapidly evolving security situation in Europe looks likely to launch a defence build-up of unprecedented scale and scope in the European theater.  This live and hybrid session, focused on lawyers and procurement professionals, will discuss the key challenges governments and contractors will face in this new European defence market. Join us for the whole …

State Aid for Transport (Seminar | Berlin)

Our hybrid training will provide you with essential information on the application of State aid law to the transport sector in the EU. Not only will our experts guide you through the most important EU regulations and decisions, but they will also tell you all about their experiences in the field from a variety of …

The Most Recent Developments in Public Private Partnerships (Seminar | Online)

This hybrid workshop will give participants a profound insight into new developments and trends in Public-Private Partnership. The focus will be on the following specific topics: review of the New UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Public-Private Partnerships and new Model Legislative Provisions; EU PPP / Concession Regulation.  During the 2. day we will talk about new challenges in the …

Summer Course: State Aid – Concept, Principles, Exemptions & Guidelines (Seminar | Online)

Join us in Nice for an intensive four-day Summer course! Our renowned experts will give you a comprehensive overview of the essential State aid regulations and provide you with a practical “toolbox“ to assess State aid and design public measures compatible with the internal market. Each day, the experts‘ presentations will be enriched by best …

ecom auf der SHK in Essen (Messe | Essen)

Auch ecom ist dabei, wenn die SHK in Essen – eine der bedeutendsten Fachmessen im Bereich Sanitär-Heizung-Klima – vom 6. bis 9. September 2022 wieder ihre Tore öffnet. Sie als Profis und Entscheider aus Handwerk, Industrie und Großhandel sind herzlich eingeladen, wenn Sie z.B…. das ecom-DP3, das vollautomatische Druckmessgerät, selbst ausprobieren wollen! sich genauestens über die Abgasmessung, Anwendungsbereiche usw.informieren …