Monat: August 2022

Innovation in Public Procurement & Innovation Partnerships (Seminar | Online)

Public procurement offers a great potential market for innovative products and services. It can help governments boost innovation at both the national and local level and improve productivity and inclusiveness. According to the OECD, 81% of its member countries have developed strategies or policies to support innovative goods and services through public procurement. This hybrid workshop will …

Simplified Cost Options for ESI Funds and AMIF/ISF/BMVI (Seminar | Online)

Since simplification of ESI Funds must be part of an improved management and control system, the use of Simplified Cost Options not only becomes mandatory for projects under EUR 200.000, but above all, it can shift the focus on the results expected from the funding. Therefore, public officials from Managing/Responsible Authorities, from Intermediate Bodies/Delegated Authorities, …

Winter Master Class – “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides (Seminar | Budapest)

The State Aid Master Class is especially designed for State aid experts, who would like to deepen their knowledge into the latest developments and judgements and discuss their own State aid cases. Participants receive a certificate upon participation. Starting from € 1.810,- (excl. VAT) Eventdatum: 01.12.22 – 02.12.22 Eventort: Budapest Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung: Lexxion …

Berliner Abfallrechtstage 2022 (Seminar | Online)

Auf den Berliner Abfallrechtstagen informieren führende Experten des deutschen und europäischen Abfallrechts über aktuelle Entwicklungen und die neueste Rechtsprechung im Kreislaufwirtschaftsrecht. Wie in den Vorjahren erwartet die Teilnehmer auch dieses Mal ein vielseitiges Programm mit zahlreichen interessanten Vorträgen zu den aktuellsten Fragestellungen des Rechtsgebietes. Im Anschluss an die Fachvorträge erhalten Sie in zahlreichen Diskussionsrunden die …

Managing Migration Flows in the European Union: AMIF/ISF/BMVI & the IBF (Seminar | Online)

Not only will our intensive hybrid course raise your awareness on how to best implement, manage and control financial instruments for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), the Internal Security Fund (ISF) and the Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI). It will also provide you with practical information on how to manage longer-term integration …

Indicators, Monitoring and Evaluation in ESI Funds and Migration & Security Funds (Seminar | Online)

The EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 introduces new rules for monitoring and evaluating of the European Structural and Investment Funds and Migration & Security Funds. The successful management and smart implementation of these funds relies on their programming, monitoring and evaluation. This interactive workshop will give participants the opportunity to gain theoretical and practical insights …

Innovation Lab in Risk Management, Selection, Verification, and Audit of EU Funds. Build your Anti-F (Seminar | Florenz)

Fraud and corruption dramatically harm the economy, public finances as well as the reputation and credibility of the institutions involved. The rise of new technologies can significantly increase the likelihood of fraud since it may be more difficult to detect errors and irregularities. Auditors and all authorities involved in detecting fraud and corruption need to …

State Aid Requirements for SGEI (Seminar | Online)

The link between State Aid Law and the provision of SGEI causes uncertainty among public authorities as they face a conflict of interests: On the one hand, public bodies are obligated to guarantee the supply of public services, on the other the providers of SGEI may not be overcompensated and competition may not be distorted. Each …

Fraud and Corruption in Public Procurement (Seminar | Online)

The ultimate goal of public procurement is to spend public money in an efficient and proper manner to achieve best value for money. Given the economic significance of public procurement in the EU, fraud, corruption and collusion in this field dramatically harm the economy and public finances – both national and EU money. The regulatory framework …

Financial Management, Control and Audit of ESI Funds in 2021-2027 (Seminar | Online)

Ensuring efficient and reliable controls as well as drawing up, certifying and submitting payment applications and annual accounts to the European Commission can be challenging. Meeting the requirements and assessment criteria in system audits and audit of accounts can also be quite complicated. Indeed, irregularities and fraud at any stage of such processes can lead …