BIO-Europe Spring® 2023 (Sonstiges | Basel)
Meet your next strategic partner at Europe’s largest springtime partnering event!
This year the BIO-Europe Spring program will showcase three thematic pillars, featuring a mix of keynotes from Life science Execs, fireside chats, panel discussions and presentations. Hear the latest industry trends, insights, exciting opportunities and challenges. Join us and gain empowering knowledge that will help you to strategically plan your business goal.
Program highlight
This year the BIO-Europe Spring program will showcase three thematic pillars, featuring a mix of keynotes from Life science Execs, fireside chats, panel discussions and presentations. Hear the latest industry trends, insights, exciting opportunities and challenges. Join us and gain empowering knowledge that will help you to strategically plan your business goals.
2023 Focus tracks:
- The Business of Biotech
In a tough investment climate, KOL’s will explore the latest trends in capital formation, deal-making, M&A and partnering and share the opportunities and challenges for the year ahead. - Therapeutic insight track
Bringing together a diverse set of perspectives and insights, our industry experts will share cutting-edge innovations and global trends with a special focus on oncology and neurology. - Ecosystem influencer
From local to global, every business or region has their successes and pitfalls. This is a perfect opportunity for companies to come together to learn at each stage of development. Leading companies will showcase their expertise by presenting solutions, sharing data and delivering fascinating case studies.
Further information can be found here.
Eventdatum: 20.03.23 – 23.03.23
Eventort: Basel
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
BioPark Regensburg GmbH
Am BioPark 13
93053 Regensburg
Telefon: +49 (941) 92046-0
Telefax: +49 (941) 92046-24
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