mindsON Central Monitoring | Episode 4 – Optimizing Clinical Trials: Synergizing Onsite & Centralize (Webinar | Online)
Language: English
Time: 16.00 to 17.30 h (German time zone, CEST)
Price: 0 € (free of charge)
In response to the growing interest in combining onsite and centralized monitoring approaches, we are excited to have Dr. Yuriy Lebed, CEO of Pharmaxi LLC, a Ukraine-based CRO, along with our CEO, Artem Andrianov, Ph.D., to discuss the latest thinking, examine the challenges organizations encounter in integrating these monitoring methods, and provide practical solutions to overcome these obstacles. In this 90-minute interactive workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with key topics surrounding onsite and centralized monitoring, such as:
• Latest trends and insights on combining onsite and centralized monitoring in clinical trials
• Understanding the challenges in implementing both monitoring approaches
• Practical strategies to address onsite and centralized monitoring-related difficulties
What is a „mindsON Centralized Monitoring workshop“?
mindsON CM is an in-depth workshop series that focuses on the practical aspects of clinical trial monitoring and daily execution. Each episode offers valuable insights, engaging discussions, and hands-on problem-solving exercises to help you overcome the challenges and complexities of monitoring in clinical trials.
Who are the speakers?
- Artem Andrianov, PhD, MBA, CEO at Cyntegrity: Artem Andrianov has over 20 years of experience in data quality projects (GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, and ERT), RBQM, and data management for the Life Sciences and Medical Devices industries. Artem is a much sought-after, charismatic speaker on RBQM, Spirometry, ECG, Oncology, ePROs, and Clinical Data Management at conferences such as DIA, PCT, DGGF, and PharmaDay. Artem holds a Ph.D. in mathematical modeling and master’s degrees in Business Administration, Financial Management, and Corporate Strategy.
Dr. Yuriy Lebed, CEO at Pharmaxi, Deputy director at OnlineCRF, Partner at MD Alliance: After graduating as a general practitioner, Yuriy entered a Ph.D. fellowship program at the Bohomolets Institute National Academy of Sciences. Then he became a co-founder of Pharmaxi CRO in 2013 and is currently CEO at Pharmaxi LLC and Pharmaxi Poland. Pharmaxi, a CRO focused on Ukraine and Poland, provides a complete set of services for clinical trials focusing on regulatory activities, clinical monitoring, and data management. The CRO has a rich experience in the clinical investigation of medicines and medical devices. „OnlineCRF“ is a truly flexible EDC system developed under Yuriy’s supervision and is an excellent tool for clinical data collection and trial monitoring. Yuriy aims to maintain and improve the foundation for organic company growth, establishing an inspiring atmosphere to attract self-motivated and qualified people.
Other RBQM learning resources:
RBQM White Belt, Green Belt & Black Belt Training (eCourse & virtual, instructor-led). Visit the MyRBQM Academy to learn more about our courses, or contact us at tamara.beck@cyntegrity.com.
Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 13. April 2023 16:00 – 17:30
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Cyntegrity Germany GmbH
Altenhöferallee 3
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (0) 6192-470-113-50
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