ADLINK’s First Venture at Railway Forum 2023 – Transforming the Rail Industry with AI (Konferenz | Berlin)
We are delighted to announce ADLINK’s first journey at the 8th Railway Forum, taking place on Sep 6 – 7, 2023, at ECC Berlin. At the Railway Forum, you will have the opportunity to explore our innovative AI solutions and newly launched embedded products designed specifically for the rail industry.
How ADLINK is transforming the railway industry with its Rugged Edge AI solution?
-Digitalisation at the edge, compliant with rail regulations and market specifics.
-Autonomous train functionalities, obstacle detection, iCCTV implementation, on-board and wayside servers, as well as predictive maintenance capabilities.
-Extensive building blocks library, combined with strategic partnerships, facilitates rapid development and low total cost of ownership (TCO) for original design manufacturers (ODMs).
-For decades, ADLINK has been empowering companies to solve real-world problems through cutting-edge embedded technology.
- Stand Number: F04
- Date: 6 – 7 Sep, 2023
- Venue: ECC Berlin, Germany
Can’t make it to the physical event? Don’t worry!
You can join a virtual exhibition that is available from 25 Aug – 5 Sep. The registration link will be released soon, so please stay tuned.
Secure & save your time
We encourage you to book your meeting with us in advance, ensuring dedicated time to discuss your specific requirements. Simply visit here to schedule your appointment.
Eventdatum: 06.09.23 – 07.09.23
Eventort: Berlin
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
ADLINK Technology GmbH
Hans-Thoma-Str. 8-10
68163 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (621) 4321466
Telefax: +49 (621) 4321430
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