Tag: 8. Oktober 2024

PELOAcademy | Human Respiratory Tissue Models to study Odorant Metabolism (Webinar | Online)

presented by Dr. rer. nat. Maria Steinke, UK Würzburg, Klinik und Poliklinik für HNO-Krankheiten, plastische und ästhetische Operationen und Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, Translationszentrum für Regenerative Therapien, Würzburg Nasal xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes (XMEs) are important for the sense of smell. They protect the nasal tissue from potentially harmful volatile compounds and can influence odorant availability …

PELOAcademy | A new threat: Cross Contamination in Cell Culture (Webinar | Online)

presented by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gstraunthaler, emer. Medizinische Universität Innsbruck Instances of cross-contamination of cell lines are more widespread than generally appreciated. Despite periodic reminders from concerned cell culturists, the problem continues and even seems to be neglected by the scientific community. While, in the past, due to the widespread use of animal cell lines, …

PELOAcademy|Compatibility of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes in cardiac safety assessment of drugsafety (Webinar | Online)

presented by Dr. Jieun An, Nexel Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea Cardiac toxicity is a major cause of compound attrition during drug development as well as for the withdrawal of drugs already on the market. Although ICH S7B guideline has successfully reduced hERG-related risk issues, concerns remain regarding the accuracy of the assay, as hERG …

PELOAcademy | Scalable EV Isolation & High-Quality Purification:Integrating Charge-Based Filtration (Webinar | Online)

presented by Prof. Dr. Sehyun Shin, Korea University & CEO, Microgentas Inc., Seoul, Korea This webinar will showcase Microgentas‘ innovative approaches for scalable EV isolation and high-quality purification, focusing on the integration of charge-based filtration (ExoFilter) with other technologies like TFF and LipoFilter. Attendees will learn how ExoFilter, combined with Tangential Flow Filtration (ExoTFF), and …

Accelerating Energy Sector Decarbonization through Waste-Derived Fuels and CCS Technology (Webinar | Online)

Hosted by the projects ACT LOUISE and RFCS REBECCA, this webinar will provide insights into the future of sustainable energy. Accelerating the decarbonization of the energy sector requires innovative solutions. This webinar will explore the substitution of fossil fuels with waste-derived alternatives and the application of carbon capture technologies oxyfuel and chemical looping combustion. Researchers and industry experts …

Mund.art im Deufringer Schloss (Unterhaltung / Freizeit | Aidlingen)

Mund.art im Deufringer Schloss„Schwäbisch gschwätzt, gsonge ond glacht“Bettina Kästle – Thomas Felger – Peter LeonhardSamstag, 23. November 2024, 19.30 UhrSchloss Deufringen, Schlosshof 19, Aidlingen Eintritt im VVK 15 € online bei www.eventim.deoder www.mund-art.de/unser-ticket-lädleund Bürgeramt Aidlingen 07034/1250 Abendkasse 18 € Bettina Kästle begeistert mit hintergründigem Humor und selbstironischem Witz das Publikum. In ihren hochvergnüglichen Liedern besingt …

Online-Gruppenschulung CARF IFC-Schnittstelle (Schulung | Online)

Am 14.11.2024 findet unsere Online-Gruppenschulung CARF IFC-Schnittstelle statt. Sie wollen mehr über IFC erfahren? Einen Überblick über den CARF IFC Export erhalten und Beispielmodelle aus der TGA im IFC-Viewer sehen sowie vieles mehr? Dann melden Sie sich doch direkt zu unsere Online-Gruppenschulung an! Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 14. November 2024 Eventort: Online Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung: …