Empowering Healthcare Innovation – Visit ADLINK at MEDICA 2024! (Messe | Düsseldorf)
The technology of healthcare is evolving, and the world’s biggest event, MEDICA 2024, is just around the corner! We’re excited to invite you to discover how ADLINK’s advanced solutions are empowering the next generation of healthcare. Explore our cutting-edge products designed to transform and elevate healthcare delivery. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the future of healthcare technology with us!
• Booth: G21, Hall 10
• Date: November 11 – 14, 2024
• Location: Düsseldorf, Germany
Here’s what awaits you:
- Medical Box Computers: Explore our MLB-3100/3102 medical box computers, equipped with 12th/13th/14th generation Intel Core™ processors and embedded MXM GPU modules based on NVIDIA ampere architecture for faster image processing and AI-based applications.
- Medical Panel PC: Discover our MLC-S Medical Panel Computers, specially designed for hygiene-sensitive medical environments like operating theaters. These devices, certified in accordance with EU MDR Class I, offer superior patient and staff safety.
- Cutting-Edge Technology: Our all-in-one computers feature 12th/13th generation Intel® Core™ i3 / i5 / i7 / i9 processors, providing optimal computing power for various applications, from patient data management systems to high-performance image processing solutions.
- Hygienic Design: We’ve prioritized hygiene with all-over glass fronts, a screwless design, and fully sealed aluminum housing, certified to meet high hygiene standards according to IP54.
Secure your spot at the forefront of medical innovation – we look forward to seeing you there!
Eventdatum: 11.11.24 – 14.11.24
Eventort: Düsseldorf
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
ADLINK Technology GmbH
Hans-Thoma-Str. 8-10
68163 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (621) 4321466
Telefax: +49 (621) 4321430
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