E-Invoicing Exchange Summit in Miami 2025 (Konferenz | Miami)
The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Americas returns to Miami for an exciting edition from March 24 to 26, 2025. This premier event features a diverse lineup of presentations, case studies, roundtables, and panel discussions designed to address key challenges and opportunities in the E-Invoicing ecosystem.
On the pre-conference day, Monday, March 24, you will have the opportunity to kick off the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit by attending two pre-conference workshops: the morning workshop: “GENA Academy Essentials” and the afternoon workshop “Face to Face Meet-Up with the DBNAlliance.” Furthermore, a great networking opportunity awaits you with the Icebreaker Reception in the early evening. The conference itself will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 25 and 26, including the Networking Dinner on Tuesday evening.
Insightful presentations and interactive roundtable sessions on
+ The Role of E-Invoices in Business Strategy: Unveiling the Hidden Value of Data
+ Opportunity of the Century: AI
+ E-Invoicing Business to Government (B2G) Deployment
+ DBNAlliance goes Global
+ The Future of Finance: Leveraging Automation and E-Invoicing
+ The CIAT Digitalization Classification Matrix
Registration fees range from USD 1350 to USD 2850. Special rates valid for public sector and typical senders of a high volume of invoices are available. These tickets are limited and will be granted upon request and examination.
For more information, agenda and registration visit
Eventdatum: 24.03.25 – 26.03.25
Eventort: Miami
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Vereon AG
Hauptstrasse 54
CH8280 Kreuzlingen
Telefon: +41 (71) 6778700
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